Senin, 18 April 2011

Tutorial Blog

Tutorial Blog


Cara membuat blog tutorial blogger tips ngeblog di wordpress blogger.com / blogspot dan tips menulis blog bagi blogger pemula dan lanjut.
Tutorial blog ini dibagi menjadi tiga (1) tutorial wordpress bagi pemula, baik wordpress.com, blogsome.com, blogs.ie atau self-hosted wordpress; (2) tutorial blogger.com / blogspot dan (3) tutorial ngeblog secara umum termasuk sejumlah tips promosi blog, cara menulis di blog, dan tip sukses menulis dan menjadi blogger.
Wordpress.com tidak dapat menerima kode javascript. Aksesoris blog yang memakai javascript seperti shoutbox, oggyx, bukutamu, marquee (teks bergerak), iklan adsense, dan lain-lain tidak bisa dimasukkan ke wordpress.com. Sedang blogger.com, blogsome.com dan blogs.ie dapat menerima javascript.
Tutorial Blog Wordpress.com
Tutorial Blogger.com / Blogspot
Tutorial Umum Blogging (Untuk Wordress dan Blogger.com/Blogspot): Promosi dan Manfaat Membuat dan Menulis Blog
Domain Gratis CO.CC
Tips Menulis di Blog
Pasang Iklan, Dapatkan Penghasilan Online
Koneksi Internet
This blogging tuturial is dedicated for newbie blogger. It covers tips and how-to for both wordpress.com and self-hosted wordpress and blogger.com blogspot. How to make money online is also explained though not extensively. For Indonesian and Malay speaking bloggers see blog tutorial in Bahasa Indonesia here.
Blogger.Com Blogspot Tutorial, Hacks, Etc
Wordpress.com Tips (Works also for Self-Hosted Wordpress
Blogging Tips in General (for Blogger.com, self-hosted wordpress blog, wordpress.com, etc)
Self-Hosted Wordpress (Plugins, Themes, Tips, etc)
Blogger as a Responsible and Credible Writer
Writing Tips
AdSense and Other Make-Money-Online Services
Blogsome.com Tips
Email Tips
Internet Related Tips

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